Case body surface all spray model or baking varnish disposal, beautiful generous, endure cauterization. When it is used as an anticorrosion paint, one coat of chlorinated rubber antirust paint should be applied on it. 箱体表面全喷塑或烤漆处理,美观大方,耐腐蚀。作为船底防腐用漆时,须在该漆上涂一道氯化橡胶防锈漆。
It can be compatible with chlorinated rubber, epoxy, epoxy-tar, tar, epoxy ester, phenol, alkyd paint systems. 与氯化橡胶、环氧、环氧沥青、沥青系、环氧酯、酚醛、醇酸等体系的涂料配套使用。
Research on Three Dimensional Diffusion of TBT of Anti-fouling at Sea; When it is used as a ship bottom anticorrosive paint, one coat of chlorinated rubber antirust paint should be applied on it, then followed by antifouling paint. 船舶防污底漆中TBT海上三维扩散研究作为船底防腐用漆时须在该漆上涂一道氯化橡胶防锈漆然后再涂刷防污漆。
When it is used as an anticorrosion paint, one coat of chlorinated rubber antirust paint should be applied on it. 作为船底防腐用漆时,须在该漆上涂一道氯化橡胶防锈漆。
Preceding coats: Chlorinated rubber antirust paint or high build epoxy tar antirust paint. 前道配套用漆:氯化橡胶防锈漆或环氧沥青厚浆型防锈漆。
Various color chlorinated rubber boottopping paint 各色氯化橡胶水线漆
This paper relates to the formulation of chlorinated rubber road marking paint and its specification, advantages and domestic marketing requirement. 本文叙述了氯化橡胶路标漆的优点、国内需求预测、加工配方与性能指标。
Chlorinated Rubber Road Marking Paint 氯化橡胶路标漆
Chlorinated Rubber Marine Paint 氯化橡胶船舶漆
Comparison of flame retardancy of common flame retardants in chlorinated rubber paint 常用阻燃剂对氯化橡胶涂料阻燃性的比较